Scholz Stories.


New Full-Service Client: A warm welcome to Hermle AG

As from Oktober 2021 we welcome Berthold Hermle AG as our new Full-Service client. Scholz accompanies the listed company with regard to the development and production of high-quality promotion media, the media fulfillment with a B2B and B2C Fanshop and a global support and logistics.

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Hermle Logo

Our Bear - A sensational performance

He was always truly at our side through the whole process of developing a new website and is the first promotion article to carry our new logo on his chest. We think it is absolutely worthy of this premiere: The RecycelBär® Ice made from 100% used and recycled PET bottles, with embroidered eyes and noses without additional plastic parts, and thus itself recyclable.

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Full service for the Fox

We are pleased to welcome another full-service client, the Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall, to Scholz Promotion. Starting immediately, we will be responsible for creative concept development, selection of promotional items, procurement, and shipping of promotional products.

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