Sustainable procurement

Supply Chain Act (LkSG)

At the center of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is the extensive protection of human rights in the global economy (LkSG §2 Abs. 1) and the environment as protected legal interests.

In the course of global supply chains, there is a risk of human rights violations such as child labor, discrimination, exploitation, or lack of labor rights.

Another aspect is the environmental risk, for example, through illegal deforestation, pesticide emissions, and water and air pollution. A human rights or environmental risk is a condition in which, due to actual circumstances, there is a sufficient likelihood of a violation of these prohibitions.

We take responsibility for the actions of our partners within the supply chains and fulfill our corporate due diligence obligations under the LkSG by

  • analyzing human rights risks
  • taking preventive and remedial measures
  • establishing complaint mechanisms
  • reporting on related activities

The due diligence obligations aim to prevent, minimize, or end violations of human rights or environmental obligations.

Our business processes for sustainable procurement

As part of our existing management systems ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, we have integrated DIN ISO 20400 (standard for sustainable procurement) into our business processes. To comply with the due diligence obligations of the LkSG, we have introduced risk management, conduct a risk analysis, and have established a whistleblower system.

Responsibility within the supply chain

However, our responsibility as a company does not end with our own business area but extends along the entire supply chain, the actions of our contractors, and the actions of other (indirect) suppliers.

The implementation of our due diligence obligations is an iterative process for us, in which we accompany our customers and suppliers in the long term to gradually create transparency in the compliance with human rights and ecological concerns in the supply chain.

Whistleblower - Whistleblower System - Contact

Report violations of our Code of Conduct confidentially or anonymously through our secure whistleblower system. Your tips help maintain our standards – we protect you from retaliation.